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Utility commands

The cross-seed app has several subcommand utilities. Some of these can help you debug your system, or help you find more information to file a bug report.

cross-seed gen-config

Generate an empty config file in its proper location.


cross-seed gen-config

cross-seed clear-cache


Do not use unless instructed to, this rarely necessary. Please seek support if you believe it's needed.

Clear the cache without causing torrents to be re-snatched and reset the timestamps for excludeOlder and excludeRecentSearch.


cross-seed clear-cache

cross-seed update-torrent-cache-trackers

Update the announce urls for torrents in the torrent cache. This is useful if your passkey has changed or the tracker urls have changed.


cross-seed update-torrent-cache-trackers "" ""
cross-seed update-torrent-cache-trackers "" ""
cross-seed update-torrent-cache-trackers "oldpasskey" "newpasskey"

cross-seed restore

Use snatched torrents from the torrent_cache to attempt to restore cross seeds. You will need to run cross-seed inject afterwards with dataDirs configured.

This can be helpful if you have lost your torrent client session information but still have the downloaded data.


cross-seed restore

cross-seed test-notification

Send a notification to the configured urls

Read more


cross-seed test-notification

cross-seed diff

See if and why two torrents pass the matching algorithm.


cross-seed diff <owned torrent> <candidate torrent>

cross-seed tree

Check a torrent's file tree from cross-seed's perspective.


cross-seed tree file.torrent

cross-seed api-key

Show the api key.


cross-seed api-key

cross-seed reset-api-key

Reset the api key.


cross-seed reset-api-key

cross-seed clear-indexer-failures

Clears all indexer failures from the database


This should be used sparingly, and never repeatedly (back-to-back) in a short period, to clear failures that are otherwise latent/expired or erroneous in Prowlarr/Jackett due to indexers being down.


cross-seed clear-indexer-failures

cross-seed inject

Injects previously saved, or manually added, torrents from outputDir.

By default this command will use outputDir, however, you can also specify an inject dir by providing the argument.



cross-seed inject
cross-seed inject --inject-dir /path/to/dir

cross-seed rss


Do not run this command while the daemon is running. This will create errors with the sqlite database. If you want to trigger a rss scan, use the job api instead.

Runs a manual RSS scan (like rssCadence) and performs your specified action on the trackers in your torznab option.

Read about automating this with "daemon" mode...


cross-seed rss

Do not run this command while the daemon is running. This will create errors with the sqlite database. If you want to trigger a search, use the job api instead. This supports overriding the time based exclusions as well.

Runs a manual search (like searchCadence) and performs your specified action on the trackers in your torznab option.

You can optionally override the time based exclusions in your config for this search only.

Read about automating this with "daemon" mode...


cross-seed search
cross-seed search --no-exclude-recent-search --no-exclude-older